Téléchargement Gratuit James Turrell : The other horizon, by Daniel Birnbaum

Téléchargement Gratuit James Turrell : The other horizon, by Daniel Birnbaum

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James Turrell : The other horizon, by Daniel Birnbaum

James Turrell : The other horizon, by Daniel Birnbaum

James Turrell : The other horizon, by Daniel Birnbaum

Téléchargement Gratuit James Turrell : The other horizon, by Daniel Birnbaum

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James Turrell : The other horizon, by Daniel Birnbaum

Détails sur le produit

Broché: 248 pages

Editeur : Hatje Cantz; Édition : 01 (30 décembre 1999)

Langue : Anglais

ISBN-10: 3775790624

ISBN-13: 978-3775790628

Dimensions du produit:

22,2 x 1,9 x 29,8 cm

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949.610 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)

"The question is not what you look at, but what you SEE."- -H.D. ThoreauThis quote from Thoreau aptly applies to the work of Flagstaff, AZ. artist James Turrell. Turrell has been fascinated all his life with the concept of light and its use in art and architecture. Add to this his notion that the individual should experience this art alone, embracing what the piece has, and does not have, to offer, and one has the basic mindset to take on his art.To best experience Turrell, one needs to go to an exhibit and take the time necessary to participate IN his art. Like a good book or good music, art reqires a level of active participation to fully realize the piece's potential and to maximize its impact. A Turrell exhibit is a glorious thing- each person actively participates, taking in his color concepts, becoming one with them. Whether in one of his famed "skyspaces," where the participants sit in a consistently lighted room to look through an oval shaped hole in the roof at dusk to watch the changing lighting patterns- the light from the roof diminishes and the consistent railing lighting in the room dominates- or vice versa if one sees the exhibit at dawn, to his "dark rooms" where the viewer is in a 99.9% darkened room with the faint glimpse of an outline of light, allowing the mind and eyes of the viewer to re-conceive its surroundings and realities- not unlike an ink blot test, but in the dark, Turrell's pieces are challenging the concept of light and how each of us perceive it and use it in our lives.What his art offers is vividly displayed in this book, a wonderfully in-depth one that showcases his growth and remarkable consistency brilliantly. His art is eclectic, ranging from the aforementioned "dark rooms," "Skyscapes," "blue rooms" (viewers in a room with a blue light dominating it, again, challenging perceptions and optics), to a recent "skyscape" that allowed perceived viewings of an eclipse, to his re-construction of a dormant crater (outside of Flagstaff, AZ) to allow unique views of the sky, light, the world. Each piece of art challenges the concept of optical illusion vs. reality- the light offers 3 dimenstional viewing in a 2 dimensional world based on angles of the light, the walls, etc- as well as the common perceptions of light in art.Again, Turrell should be viewed in a proper exhibit, but this book offers a brilliant overview of his career. The text is in both German and English, but still offers precise pictures, diagrams,and Turrell's philosophies on art, light, and the world. It's a brilliant work by one of today's foremost artists.

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James Turrell : The other horizon, by Daniel Birnbaum PDF

James Turrell : The other horizon, by Daniel Birnbaum PDF
James Turrell : The other horizon, by Daniel Birnbaum PDF


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